Condo vs. House: Choosing the Right Property in Markham

June 10, 2023

Choosing between a condo and a house is a significant decision that impacts both your lifestyle and finances. Markham, a vibrant city in Ontario, Canada, offers a range of housing options, including condos and houses. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these differences is crucial in making an informed decision. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing between a condo and a house in Markham, providing valuable insights to help you find the right property for your needs.


The decision to buy a property is not one to be taken lightly. It involves a thorough understanding of your lifestyle preferences, financial situation, and long-term goals. Markham, known for its multiculturalism and rapid growth, presents homebuyers with a plethora of choices. Condos and houses are two prominent options, each catering to different needs and desires. By examining various aspects such as cost, maintenance, space, and amenities, we can determine which property type aligns better with your requirements.

Understanding Condos and Houses

Definition and Features of Condos

Condos, short for condominiums, are private residential units within a larger building or complex. When you purchase a condo, you own the individual unit and have shared ownership of common areas and amenities. These shared spaces often include facilities like gyms, swimming pools, and community rooms. Condos provide a convenient lifestyle with less maintenance and typically offer a range of services managed by a homeowners’ association.

Definition and Features of Houses

Houses, on the other hand, are standalone structures that offer greater privacy and space. When you buy a house, you own both the building and the land it sits on. Houses come in various sizes and styles, from cozy bungalows to spacious multi-story homes. Unlike condos, houses offer more freedom in terms of customization and control over the property.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between a Condo and a House

Several factors should be taken into account when deciding between a condo and a house in Markham. Consider the following aspects to help you make an informed choice:

Lifestyle and Preferences

Your lifestyle and personal preferences play a vital role in determining whether a condo or a house suits you better. Condos are often favored by individuals seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle with access to amenities and services. They are a popular choice for young professionals, empty nesters, and those who prefer urban living. On the other hand, houses provide more privacy, space, and a sense of independence, making them suitable for families or individuals who prioritize autonomy.

Cost and Affordability

One of the key considerations when buying a property is the cost and affordability. Condos are generally more affordable than houses in Markham, making them an attractive option for first-time buyers or those with a limited budget. The lower purchase price often translates to lower down payments and mortgage payments. Additionally, condo owners share certain expenses through monthly maintenance fees, which cover common area maintenance and other services.

Houses, although more expensive upfront, offer potential long-term value appreciation. They provide the opportunity for greater equity build-up and potential financial gains. However, houses typically come with higher maintenance costs and additional expenses like property taxes and insurance.

Maintenance and Responsibilities

Maintenance and responsibilities differ significantly between condos and houses. In condos, many maintenance tasks such as snow removal, landscaping, and exterior repairs are handled by the HOA. This relieves individual owners from the burden of these tasks, but comes at the cost of monthly maintenance fees.

Houses, on the other hand, require owners to take care of all maintenance responsibilities independently. This includes tasks like mowing the lawn, maintaining the exterior, and repairing any damages. While it grants homeowners more control over the property, it also entails greater time, effort, and potentially higher expenses.

Privacy and Space

Privacy and space are important factors to consider. Condos often have shared walls, floors, and ceilings, which can result in more noise and limited privacy. If you prefer a quiet living environment or have specific privacy requirements, a house might be a better option. Houses offer more space, both indoors and outdoors, providing opportunities for customization and personalization according to your needs and preferences.

Amenities and Facilities

Condos are known for their extensive amenities and facilities. These can include fitness centers, swimming pools, concierge services, and entertainment rooms. The availability and quality of amenities vary between condominium complexes, so it’s essential to evaluate the offerings and determine if they align with your lifestyle. Houses, although lacking shared amenities, often have more outdoor space and the potential to add personalized features like gardens, patios, or swimming pools.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Condo

Before making a decision, it’s crucial to consider the advantages and disadvantages of owning a condo:

Advantages of Condo Ownership

  1. Lower upfront costs and affordability
  2. Low maintenance and shared responsibilities
  3. Access to shared amenities and facilities
  4. Greater security and community living
  5. Potentially better location options within urban areas

Disadvantages of Condo Ownership

  1. Monthly maintenance fees
  2. Limited control over decision-making within the complex
  3. Restrictions on customization and renovations
  4. Noise and privacy concerns due to shared walls and common areas
  5. Potential conflicts with the homeowners’ association

Pros and Cons of Owning a House

Let’s examine the pros and cons of owning a house:

Advantages of House Ownership

  1. More privacy, autonomy, and control over the property
  2. Potential for customization and personalization
  3. Appreciation of land value and long-term investment potential
  4. Greater living space and outdoor area
  5. Flexibility in terms of expansion or remodeling

Disadvantages of House Ownership

  1. Higher upfront costs and mortgage payments
  2. Increased maintenance responsibilities and costs
  3. Lack of shared amenities and services
  4. Potential for unexpected repairs and replacements
  5. Greater time and effort required for property upkeep

Market Trends in Markham

Understanding the local real estate market is essential when choosing between a condo and a house in Markham. The city has experienced significant growth in recent years, with a diverse range of housing options available. Markham offers a mix of urban and suburban neighborhoods, each with its unique characteristics and property values. It’s advisable to research market trends, consult with real estate professionals, and visit different areas to gauge their suitability for your needs.

Making the Right Decision

To make an informed decision about choosing the right property in Markham, consider the following steps:

Assessing Your Needs and Priorities

Evaluate your lifestyle, preferences, and long-term goals. Determine the must-have features and amenities that align with your requirements. Consider factors like location, commuting distance, access to schools, and proximity to essential services.

Consulting with Professionals

Seek guidance from real estate agents or property experts who specialize in the Markham market. They can provide valuable insights, help you navigate the buying process, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Exploring the Local Real Estate Market

Conduct thorough research on the current real estate market in Markham. Examine property prices, trends, and availability in different neighborhoods. Consider factors like future development plans, transportation infrastructure, and community growth.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Carefully weigh the pros and cons of owning a condo versus owning a house based on your lifestyle, budget, and priorities. Consider the long-term implications and financial commitments associated with each option.


Choosing between a condo and a house in Markham requires careful consideration of various factors. Understanding your lifestyle, preferences, budget, and long-term goals is essential in making the right decision. While condos offer convenience, shared amenities, and lower upfront costs, houses provide privacy, autonomy, and potential long-term value appreciation. By evaluating your needs, consulting professionals, and exploring the local market, you can confidently choose the property type that best suits your requirements in Markham.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Can you customize a condo as you would a house?
    • While condos have some limitations on customization due to HOA regulations, there is still room for personalization within your unit. However, extensive modifications may require approval from the homeowners’ association.
  2. Are there any additional costs associated with owning a condo?
    • Yes, owning a condo comes with monthly maintenance fees that cover shared expenses such as building maintenance, landscaping, and amenities. It’s important to factor in these costs when budgeting.
  3. Do houses offer more long-term investment potential?
    • Houses typically have a higher potential for long-term investment gains due to land appreciation. However, it’s essential to consider market conditions, location, and demand when assessing the investment potential.
  4. How does the location of a property affect the decision between a condo and a house?
    • The location plays a crucial role in determining the suitability of a condo or a house. Condos are often found in urban areas with easy access to amenities, while houses are more prevalent in suburban or rural settings offering larger lots and more privacy.
  5. What are the key factors to consider when evaluating amenities in a condo?
    • When evaluating condo amenities, consider the variety, quality, and condition of facilities such as fitness centers, pools, common areas, and security features. Assess their relevance to your lifestyle and whether they justify the monthly maintenance fees.